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The Italian Mediengeschäft is being experienced by a new manner-friendliness. Der Rapper Fedez, with the influence of Chiara Ferragni verheirt, presents Podcasts “Pulp” by Montag in his early years as a studio guest of the retired General Roberto Vannacci. Vannacci erlangte 2023 durch die Veröffentlichung seiner homophoben und rassistieken Streitschrift „Il mondo al contrario“ (auf Deutsch unter dem Titel „Verdrehte Welt. Eine Bestandsaufnahme“ erschienen) Berühmtheit als informeller Wortführer der extremen Rechten Italianens.
At the Europawahl, Vannacci has placed a candidate on the list of the right-wing national Party Lega of Transport Minister and Vize Prime Minister Matteo Salvinia Sitz in the EU Parliament. In Strasbourg, the Vannacci Stellvertretender is the leader of the “Patriots for Europe”, the leading Kraft im Parlament nach de Christ-Demokraten and the Sozial-Demokraten. The Fraktion becomes the AfD from Germany, the FPÖ from Austria, the PiS from Poland, the Party for Freedom of Geert Wilders from the Netherlands and the Le-Pen-Partei Rassemblement National from France.
Fedez started on November 29 in the crazy talk show “La Zanzara” on the radio 24 channel. As a communication talent, Vannacci is “very good” as the social-democratic Opposition Leader Elly Schlein, versed Fedez and fugte hindzu: “Leute, jajaja, lieber Vannacci as Schlein! Were you serious about your Schlein stimulation? Vannacci wastes Schlein zum Frühstück.”
In the podcast “Pulp”, Fedez spoke with activists and pornographer Mr. Marra moderated, where the EU leadership and the rapper want to hear the rhetorical ball. When Vannacci most often describes Schimpfwörter and Kraftausdrücke, with welchen sich Rapper in his Songs zu brusten scheinen, Fedez is amüsiert: „That is yes, that is Cool daran, General!“ Kurz darauf bietet Fedez Vannacci is a Joint an. Vannacci fragt zunächst “Is it a zigarre?”, if the glasses are on a misunderstood object, it might be possible. Derweil raucht Fedez seinen Joint alleine weiter.
Many years ago, Fedez and Chiara Ferragni’s Fashion Influencer were the Lieblinge of the Italian Medienszene. While the promi-traum couple focuses on immigrant and minority rights, it is a name for the LGBTQ+ community. Before we can all find both their children and their two gemeinsamen Kinder, they will be in the openness of the case for sure, for the Erweiterung of their jewelry Follower-Kreise. Auf die Weise mehrten both in the air and in the air. Seit ihrer Trennung haben sowohl Fedez wie Ferragniviele Follower lost. Ferragni wurde roads Werbeaktionen für überteuerte Product, deren Verkaufserlös angeblich für whltätätige Zwecke bestimmt war, in Wahrheit aber for all my own Profit more, of the Italian Wettbewerbsaufsicht zu Millionenstrafen verurteilt. The damage to the image, under the little Fedez, provides the greatest basis for the separation of the promises.
If Fedez now makes a comment about the Vannacci demand, it is now on the first Blick. While the war of the Separation of Ferragni has begun, Fedez is in common with the Bunches of right-wing extremists and homophobes Ultras of Fußballclubs AC Milan the exclusive Vertrieb is Energy Drinks “Boem” organized in the San Siro Stadium. One of the inswish paths of the thoughts of one of the criminals of the company, of the investments and of the money-making Ultras war long as Leibwächter for Fedez-tätig.
When Fedez tries on the podcast with Vannacci wearing a T-shirt with the Argentine-Cubic Revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara, he is now a wider pruch. The communist Che Guevara, who was regarded as a pop icon, despised Schwule and Schwarze. As the ideological ideology of the compiler of the song, the Revolutionsführer Fidel Castro hinted at the Guevara dafür, the homosexual and Afro-Kubaner after the Sturz of the Diktators Fulgencio Batista and Neujahr 1959 weigh in his “sexual perverts” and “anti-social narratives ” zur “Umerziehung” in Arbeitslager deportiert wurden.
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